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The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding NOVÁ

- [27.1. 2025]
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Prodám novou knihu,Bibli kulturistiky,autor:Arnold Schwarzenegger

From elite bodybuilding competitors to gymnasts, from golfers to fitness gurus, anyone who works out with weights must own this book—a book that only Arnold Schwarzenegger could write, a book that has earned its reputation as “the bible of bodybuilding.”

Inside, Arnold covers the very latest advances in both weight training and bodybuilding competition, with new sections on diet and nutrition, sports psychology, the treatment and prevention of injuries, and methods of training, each illustrated with detailed photos of some of bodybuilding's newest stars.
Plus, all the features that have made this book a classic are here:

-Arnold's tried-and-true tips for sculpting, strengthening, and defining each and every muscle to create the ultimate buff physique

-The most effective methods of strength training to stilt your needs, whether you're an amateur athlete or a pro bodybuilder preparing for a competition

-Comprehensive information on health, nutrition, and dietary supplements to help you build muscle, lose fat, and maintain optimum energy

-Expert advice on the prevention and treatment of sports-related injuries

-Strategies and tactics for competitive bodybuilders from selecting poses to handling publicity

-The fascinating history and growth of bodybuilding as a sport, with a photographic “Bodybuilding Hall of Fame”

-And, of course, Arnold's individual brand of inspiration and motivation throughout

Covering every level of expertise and experience, The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding will help you achieve your personal best. With his unique perspective as a seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title and all international film star, Arnold shares his secrets to dedication, training, and commitment, and shows you how to take control of your body and realize your own potential for greatness.

Hmotnost: 2548 g
Rozměry: 221 × 277 × 45 mm
Datum vydání: 05. listopad 1999

Běžná cena 1000,-, osobní předání v PRAZE 2 po dohodě!




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